So, thinking of it as having no claims to be being a "definitive" collection, just being some bits and pieces from Patrick Gibson meant less limitations and hence the music came forth....
To make it even easier on myself I decided I would go "live" selecting and recording this podcast on the run, attempting to retain some of the humour that was evident, especially in the Systematics, some of the studio experimentation and also attempting to show the variations in style between the different bands/projects.
Part 2, which is to follow shortly, will be more of the same, and also with that one there's too much music to play and not enough time...

Scattered Order were originally made up of the M Squared label/studio "founders" Mitch Jones & Micheal Tee ( formerly of The Barons ), first apparentely mucking around using the drummer from The Numbers ( who Mitch used to mix for at live gigs ). After Pulp Baby by The Systematics was released on Doublethink they teamed up with Patrick Gibson and thus MSquared as we came to know it was formed, the label and the studio and Scattered Order was the first colloboration between the three. The two songs featured here are from this early incarnation, at this stage very much a studio band with just the three members, later on adding various members and others coming and going, there's a reasonable mini history lesson on Scattered Order's own website and of course on the No Night Sweats site.

Ya Ya Choral was formed after the demise of the Systematics with Patrick and Fiona being joined by Michael Tee ( and the drum machine stayed on too ) and had two releases in this guise before Patrick "left" the band and thus they headed in a totally different direction, but that's a story for another day.
And lastly in my all too short and inadequate lesson on the history of Patrick Gibson is No Night Sweats, which was to me a f**king great idea for a band - Patrick teaming up with Phil Turnbull from Voigt/465 and Wild West, whose music I also totally adored. Sadly to my knowledge nothing was ever released from this venture, though recordings were made by Patrick at M Squared.
More to come soon in Part Two....
monamour05 - Patrick Gibson part 1
0.00 - 0.22- Intro from "Stall" Systematics cassette
0.22 - 2.34 - Die For My House - Systematics from "A Selection" M Squared compliation
2.34 - 3.06 - When A Band Of Men - Patrick Gibson from "Two Seperate" cassette
3.06 - 5.16 - When I'm Older - Systematics from "Rural" 12" ep
5.16 - 7.14 - Mass Murder - Scattered Order from "Screaming Tree" 7" ep
7.14 - 9.31 - Bovine - Systematics from "My Life In The Field Of Cows" 7" ep
9.31 - 11.46 - Cloak Tom Click - A Cloakroom Assembly from "Tom Tom Tom" cassette
11.46 - 13.57 - My Friend The Chocolate Cake - Ya Ya Choral from "What's A Quaver" 12" ep
13.57 - 18.41 - ..and People Are Blowing Their Minds - Systematics from "Boxed Brownies" cassette
18.41 - 21.21 - Nights In A Glass - No Night Sweats unreleased
21.21 - 24.35 - Waiting Time - Ya Ya Choral from "Such A Dutchman" 7" ep
24.35 - 26.44 - Bent Up - Scattered Order from "Growing Pains" "M Squared sampler"
26.44 - 28.35 - Numbers in General - Systematics from "Rural" 12" ep
28.35 - 33.36 - Bland A - Patrick Gibson from "Too Seperate" cassette
33.36 - 36.53 - Pulp Baby ( live ) - Systematics from "Stall" Systematics cassette
36.53 - 40.56 - Vanessa Teratology ( live ) - Systematics from "Stall" Systematics cassette
link for monamour05 mp3
thanks for this sideroom - top notch posts as usual
Hi, I am just discovering your stuff, and there are many great tracks here! Thank you! Any chance of reupping parts 3 and 4? If so, please tell in a comment so I get a notice.
3 & 4 finally re-upped
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